Star Wars

I ran a Star Wars campaign for over a year under the old West End Games system. Frankly, I think it's a good system, with one little problem. Okay, so it's a big enough problem that it would influence any future Star Wars games I would run.

But now WoTC owns the license for Star Wars and is releasing a game based on their "d20 system." I confess I find it a bit amusing to be able to, theoretically at least, measure up a 6th level fighter against a 6th level jedi, or perhaps an 8th level sorcerer against an 8th level sith.

Anyway, I don't have anything yet to post about the new system, because I haven't worked extensively with it yet. It looks pretty good, but we'll see how it plays. I do feel the need for some house rules based on what I've read, which will be posted here when I've written them.

I am considering posting a few things from my old campaign: new force powers and starships mostly, though perhaps I'll post my old house rules as I did on my D&D pages. I'll dig them up and go through them.

In the meantime, here's a little something I've written about Stormtroopers and RPGs.

Well, here we are! I've started a new Star Wars campaign aned let the handouts and postings begin!

No page about Star Wars these days would be complete without at least some kind of statement about The Phantom Menace. I liked a lot about it, especially getting to watch full-fledged jedi knights in action. A number of things about the film can be debated as to their merit, but I feel that one stands out above the others.

And now the reviews are in. First a general Star Wars review and a review of the new Dark Side Sourcebook.

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