
This page will be dedicated to fiction, both mine and my looks at that of others.

Right now I'm still debating what all of my own to put up here, so for the time being you'll have to settle for my takes on the works of others.

Ass-deep in Alligators — my look at the world of Anita Blake, as portrayed in the writings of Laurell K. Hamilton

Star Wars — as if I need to explain this one

Amber — my look at the universe created by Roger Zelazny in the Chronicles of Amber

Here is some of my own work. . . .

First The Tale of Blacch, as told by an elder to the local children.

I know I haven't posted much of, well, anything here, but I've been busy writing RPG stuff professionally for Mystic Eye Games. I'm actually starting to get paid for writing, and more is in the works.

Four Winds Bar

All writings and images on this site are copyright (©) Stefon Mears (2000) unless explicitly stated otherwise.