Time, an Interview, and a Bundle
This is the blog post I almost forgot to write. Or rather, I thought I’d written it, or something like it, last week. But then I thought I’d run out of time, and wouldn’t get to write it at all.
Which is funny, because time is so much at the center of all this.
See, I’ve got a short story collection – Twisted Timelines – in the Big Time Bundle from Storybundle.
(You can check out the titles and link below.) It’s an excellent collection in and of itself. Ten books full of stories about time travel, and other time goodness. In mine alone are stories that step outside time, travel time, shred time and more.
And there are nine other excellent books in the bundle.
It’s a bundle that was supposed to end last week. But time, well, it got a little funny.
Now the bundle is back, because time can be circular, but only for about another 24-hours, Likely because of something from a different timeline that came in on an asymptote.
But that’s not all. In a year of fires and covid-19, this bundle benefits the Oregon Food Bank.
In fact, I even got interviewed about the bundle by MORE Good Day Oregon, a morning show on local station KPTV. You can see the interview here.
And you can check out the bundle here.