100-Point Wonders

It has recently come to my attention that there are Champions players who have never heard of, let alone played, a 100-point Wonder game. In light of this I have decided to post a few words on the subject.

The basic idea is to play low-powered superheroes, for whom stopping a well-executed bank robbery is a challenge. This is done by building the characters on a 100-point base with no disadvantages allowed. Generally there are some restrictions placed on power limitations as well, restricting the use of foci and such like, to keep the spirit of the game from being abused.

It can be refreshing to play a game with no disadvantages — no dirty pasts, Hunteds or Berserks to exploit at the wrong time. Instead, you get a bunch of characters who are true nobodies out to make names for themselves as crimefighters.

Of course, as the campaign goes on it can bridge into a more normal Champions, after the characters have had a chance to learn and grow together, make enemies and develop plot complications in the context of the game instead of making them up out of whole cloth at the start. Besides, some 150 EPs down the road you'll probably have developed at least half that many points worth of campaign disadvantages. In this way you'll have earned your way to what might otherwise have been a starting character, except that your 100-point Wonder will be more detailed and fully fleshed out than any starting character could be.

Here is a write-up of a sample 100-point Wonder.


Four Winds Bar

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